Gear is good.
Imagine, Christmas Day, sitting down and tearing into a present. The joy, the anticipation, the excitement.
Now imagine that feeling, but you’re and adult and it’s June. That’s what we feel whenever we get new gear in, and we want to spread the love towards you too.
We have brewed the perfect mix of technical know-how and industry contacts to make our sales and installation wing. That means that we can help you every step of the purchasing road. From advice on which tech to get, to getting you a great price, to even fitting it for you.

We'll take one for the team.
One advantage of buying from a company that actively works in the events industry is that we can provide reliable, thorough recommendations. A lot of the tech we have access to, we’ve crash tested ourselves in the field, so can tell you exactly when it’s at it’s best, and when you might want to look at something else.
We have spent years building up relationships with brands and dealers to ensure we can get you a competitive price on most products on the event tech market today. With access to both high end brands and more budget friendly options alike, give us an idea of what you want and we’ll run with it from there.
Your wish is our command.
Once we’ve got you your fancy new toys, it’s up to you where you go from there. We can leave you to have fun with it, or we can wing our way over to you to do a full install job. Our installs are up and running in cafes, schools, houses of worship, performance venues, and all sorts of weird and wonderful other places. We’ll work with you and your venue to ensure your gear is living up to its full potential.